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91. Nelson Frazão and Isabel Gordo. Ecotype formation and prophage domestication during gut bacterial evolution. Bioassays (2023).

90. Nelson Frazão and Isabel Gordo. Shared Evolutionary Path in Social Microbiomes. Mol Biol Evol (2023).

89. Barreto, H.C., Gordo, I. Intrahost evolution of the gut microbiota. Nat Rev Microbiol (2023).

88. J. M. de Sousa, M. Lourenço, I. Gordo. Horizontal gene transfer among host-associated microbes. Review. Cell Host & Microbe 31: 4 (2023).

87. A.-H. Ghenu, A. Amado, I. Gordo, and C. Bank. Epistasis decreases with increasing antibiotic pressure but not temperature. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B378:20220058. 20220058. (2023)

86. Nelson Frazão, Anke Konrad, Massimo Amicone, Elsa Seixas, Daniela Güleresi, Michael Lässig, and Isabel Gordo. Two modes of evolution shape bacterial strain diversity in the mammalian gut for thousands of generations. Nat Commun 13, 5604 (2022). PRESS RELEASE Press

85. Borges, V., Isidro, J., Trovão, N.S. et al. SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dynamics of the epidemic in Portugal. Commun Med 2, 10 (2022).

84. Hugo C. Barreto, Beatriz Abreu, Isabel Gordo. Fluctuating selection on bacterial iron regulation in the mammalian gut. Current Biology 2022, ISSN 0960-9822.

83. Mukherjee, D., Chora, Â.F., Lone, JC. et al. Host lung microbiota promotes malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome. Nat Commun 13, 3747 (2022). 

82. Dragan Stajic, Claudia Bank, Isabel Gordo, Adaptive Potential of Epigenetic Switching During Adaptation to Fluctuating Environments. Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 14, Issue 5, May 2022, evac065,

81. Massimo Amicone, Vítor Borges, Maria João Alves, Joana Isidro, Líbia Zé-Zé, Sílvia Duarte, Luís Vieira, Raquel Guiomar, João Paulo Gomes, Isabel Gordo, Mutation rate of SARS-CoV-2 and emergence of mutators during experimental evolution. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 142–155,

80. Gordo I. (2022) Population size matters for mutations. Nature Ecology &Evolution:


79. Dapa T., Ramiro RS., Pedro MF., Gordo I., Xavier KB. (2022) Diet leaves a genetic signature in a keystone member of the gut microbiota. Cell Host Microbe. S1931-3128(22)00038-5. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2022.01.002

78. Durão, P., Amicone, M., Perfeito, L., & Gordo, I. (2021) Competition dynamics in long-term propagations of Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain communities. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 15085– 15097.

76. Amicone, M. and Gordo, I. (2021) Molecular signatures of resource competition: Clonal interference favors ecological diversification and can lead to incipient speciation. Evolution.

75. Pinto, C., Melo-Miranda, R., Gordo, I., & Sousa, A. (2021) The Selective Advantage of the lac Operon for Escherichia coli Is Conditional on Diet and Microbiota Composition. Frontiers in microbiology, 12, 709259.

74. Balbontín R, Frazão N, Gordo I (2021) DNA Breaks-Mediated Fitness Cost Reveals RNase HI as a New Target for Selectively Eliminating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. Mol Biol Evol. 38(8):3220-3234. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msab093

73. Borges, V., Isidro, J., Cortes-Martins, H., Duarte, S., Vieira, L., Leite, R., Gordo, I., Caetano, C. P., Nunes, B., Sá, R., Oliveira, A., Guiomar, R., Portuguese network for SARS-CoV-2 genomics, & Gomes, J. P. (2020). Massive dissemination of a SARS-CoV-2 Spike Y839 variant in Portugal. Emerging microbes & infections, 9(1), 2488–2496.

72. Cardoso LL, Durão P, Amicone M, Gordo I (2020) Dysbiosis individualizes the fitness effect of antibiotic resistance in the mammalian gut. Nat Ecol Evol.

71. HC Barreto, N Frazão, A Sousa, A Konrad, I Gordo (2020) Mutation Accumulation and Horizontal Gene Transfer in Escherichia coli Colonizing the Gut of Old Mice. Communicative & Integrative Biology. Mentioned on national TV  RTP1 - Bom Dia Portugal

70. Durão, P., Ramiro, R. S., Pereira, C., Jurič, J., Pereira, D., & Gordo, I. (2020). Radial Expansion Facilitates the Maintenance of Double Antibiotic Resistances. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 64(9), e00668-20.

69. Ramiro RS, Durão P, Bank C, Gordo I (2020) Low Mutational Load Allows for High Mutation Rate Variation in Gut Commensal Bacteria. PLoS Biol 18(3): e3000617.

68. Barreto H, Sousa A and Gordo I (2020) The Landscape of Adaptive Evolution of a Gut Commensal Bacteria in Aging Mice. Current Biology 30, 1102–1109.

67. Batista-Barroso J, Pedro M, Dias J, Pinto C, Pereira H, Demengeot J, Gordo I, Xavier K (2019). Specific Eco-Evolutionary Contexts in the Mouse Gut Reveal Escherichia coli Metabolic Versatility. Current Biology 30, 1049–1062.

66. Barreto, H.C., Cordeiro, T.N., Henriques, A.O. et al. Rampant loss of social traits during domestication of a Bacillus subtilis natural isolate. Sci Rep 10, 18886 (2020).

65. Gordo I (2019). Evolutionary change in the human gut microbiome: From a static to a dynamic view. PloS Biology. PLoS Biol 17(2): e3000126.

64. Pedro M, Batista-Barroso J, Pinto C, Dias J, Gordo I, Xavier K (2019) Understanding metabolic processes shaping adaptation of in the gut. Access Microbiology 1 (1A).

63. Frazão N, Sousa A, Lässig M, Gordo I (2019) Horizontal gene transfer overrides mutation in Escherichia coli colonizing the mammalian gut. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 116 (36): 17906-17915. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1906958116

62. Özkaya Ö, Balbontín R, Gordo I and Xavier KB (2018) Cheating on Cheaters Stabilizes Cooperation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Current Biology 28(13):2070-2080.

61. Durão P, Balbontín R and Gordo I (2018) Evolutionary mechanisms shaping the maintenance of antibiotic resistance.  Trends in Microbiology 26 (8). 

60. Sousa A, Ramiro RS, Barroso-Batista J, Güleresi D, Lourenço M, (2017) Recurrent Reverse Evolution Maintains Polymorphism After Strong Bottlenecks in Commensal Gut Bacteria. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34(11):2879-2892. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msx221.

59. Sousa A, Frazão N, Ramiro RS, (2017) Evolution of commensal bacteria in the intestinal tract of mice. Current Opinion in Microbiology38, 114-121.

58. Proença JT, Barral DC, (2017) Commensal-to-pathogen transition: One-single transposon insertion results in two pathoadaptive traits in Escherichia coli-macrophage interaction. Scientific Reports 7 (1):4504.

57. Moura-de-Sousa J, Balbontin R, Durão P, (2017) Multi-drug Resistant Bacteria Compensate for the Epistasis between Resistances. PLoS Biology 15 (4), e2001741.

56. Lourenço M, Ramiro RS, Güleresi D, Barroso-Batista J, Xavier KB, A Sousa (2016) A Mutational Hotspot and Strong Selection Contribute to the Order of Mutations Selected for during Adaptation to the Gut. PLoS Genetics 12 (11): e1006420.


55. Moura de Sousa JA, Alpedrinha J, Campos PRA, (2016) Competition and fixation of cohorts of adaptive mutations under Fisher geometrical model. PeerJ 4:e2256

54. Ramiro, R. S., Costa, H. and . (2016), Macrophage adaptation leads to parallel evolution of genetically diverse i small-colony variants with increased fitness in vivo and antibiotic collateral sensitivity. Evol Appl, 9: 994–1004.

53. Durão P, Gülereşi D, Proença J, . (2016) Enhanced Survival of Rifampin- and Streptomycin-Resistant Inside Macrophages. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 60 (7):4324-4332.

52. Azevedo M, A Sousa, JM de Sousa, JA Thompson, JT Proença, (2016) Trade-Offs of Adaptation to an Intracellular Lifestyle in Macrophages. PLOS One11 (1).

51. Barroso-Batista J, Demengeot J, Xavier KB, (2015) Adaptive immunity increases the pace and predictability of evolutionary change in commensal gut bacteria. Nature Communications 6:8945.

50. Moura-de-Sousa J, Sousa A, Bourgard C, I Gordo (2015) Potential for adaptation overrides cost of resistance. Future Microbiology 10:1415-1431.

49. P Durão, S Trindade, A Sousa, I Gordo (2015) Multiple Resistance at no cost: Rifampicin and Streptomycin a dangerous liaison in the spread of antibiotic resistance. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32 (10): 2675–2680,

48. I Gordo Demengeot J, Xavier KB, (2014) Escherichia coli adaptation to the gut environment, a constant fight for survival. Future Microbiology 9, 1235-1238.

47. Barroso-Batista J, Sousa A, Lourenço M, Bergman M-L, Sobral D, Demengeot J, Xavier KB, I Gordo (2014) The First Steps of Adaptation of Escherichia coli to the Gut Are Dominated by Soft Sweeps. PLoS Genetics 10(3): e1004182.

46. Gordo I, M Miskinyte (2014) Fitness Measurements of Evolved Esherichia coli. Bio-protocol 4 (17), e1228. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.1228

45. Gordo I, M Miskinyte (2014) Evolution of Escherichia coli to macrophage cell line. Bio-protocol 4 (17), e1227. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.1227

44. Perfeito L, A Sousa, T Bataillon and I Gordo (2014) Rates of fitness decline and rebound suggest pervasive epistasis. Evolution. 68 (1), 150-162. DOI: 10.1111/evo.12234

43. Miskinyte M, A Sousa, R Ramiro, JA. Moura de Sousa, J Kotlinowski, I Caramalho, S Magalhães, M Soares and I Gordo (2013) The genetic basis of Escherichia coli pathoadaptation to macrophages. PloS Pathogens. 9 (12), e1003802. Recommended by F1000.

42. Sousa A, C. Bourgard, L. Wahl L, I Gordo (2013) Rates of transposition in Escherichia coli. Biology Letters. 9 (6), 20130838.

41. Chelo IM, Nedli J, Gordo I and H Teotónio (2013) An experimental test on the probability of extinction of new genetic variants. Nature Communications 4:2417.

40. Avelar AT, L Perfeito, I Gordo and MG Ferreira (2013) Genome architecture is a selectable trait that can be maintained by antagonistic pleiotropy. Nature Communications 4:2235. See also Highlight on this paper in Nature Reviews Genetics: Molecular evolution: Rearrangements for fitness p676 | doi:10.1038/nrg3578.

39. Gordo I and PRA Campos (2013) Evolution of clonal populations approaching a fitness peak. Biology Letters 9 (1), 20120239.

38. Moura de Sousa JA, PRA Campos and I. Gordo (2013) An ABC method for estimating the rate and distribution of effects of beneficial mutations. Genome Biology and Evolution 5(5):794-806.

37. Brito PH, Rocha EPC, Xavier KB and I Gordo (2013) Natural genome diversity of AI-2 quorum sensing in Escherichia coli: conserved signal production but labile signal reception. Genome Biology and Evolution 5(1):16-30.

36. Miskinyte M and I. Gordo (2013) Increased survival of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli inside macrophages. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 57(1):189-195.

35. Trindade S, A Sousa and I Gordo (2012) Antibiotic resistance and stress in the light of Fisher’s model. Evolution 66:3815-3824.

34. Sousa A., Magalhães S and I. Gordo (2012) Cost of antibiotic resistance and the geometry of adaptation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29(5):1417-28.

33. Silva RF, Mendonça SCM, Carvalho LM, Reis AM, Gordo I, Trindade S and F Dionisio (2011) Pervasive sign epistasis between conjugative plasmids and drug resistance chromosomal mutations. PloS Genetics 7(7), e1002181.

32. Gordo I, L. Perfeito and A Sousa (2011) Fitness effects of mutations in bacteria. J Mol Microb Biotech 21:20-35.

31. Brito, P, Guilherme E, H. Soares and I. Gordo (2010) Mutation accumulation in Tetrahymnena. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:354.

30. Marais GAB, PRA Campos and I. Gordo (2010) Can Intra-Y Gene Conversion Oppose the Degeneration of the Human Y Chromosome? A Simulation Study. Genome Biology and Evolution vol 2, 347-57.

29. Gordo, I. and A. Sousa (2010) Mutation, selection and genetic interactions in bacteria. Enciclopedia of Life Sciences.

28. Trindade S., Perfeito L and I. Gordo (2010) Rate and effects of spontaneous mutations that affect fitness in mutator Escherichia coli. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B vol. 365 1177-1186. 

doi: 10.1098/rstb.2009.0287

27. Viana D, Gordo I, Sucena E, M Moita (2010) Cognitive and Motivational Requirements for the Emergence of Cooperation in a Rat Social Game. Plos One e8483.

26. Charlesworth, B., A.J. Betancourt, V.B. Kaiser and I. Gordo (2009) Genetic Recombination and molecular evolution. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 74, 177-186 

​DOI: 10.1101/sqb.2009.74.015

25. Trindade S, Sousa A, Xavier KB, Dionisio F, Ferreira MG and I. Gordo (2009) Positive epistasis drives the acquisition of multidrug resistance. Plos Genetics 5(7):e1000578.

24. Gordo I., Gomes M.G.M., Reis, D.G. and P.R.A. Campos (2009) Genetic diversity in The SIR model of pathogen evolution. Plos One 4(3): e4876.

23. Gordo I. and PRA Campos (2008) Sex and deleterious mutations. Genetics 179(1): 621-6.

22. Campos PRA, P.S.C.A. Neto, V.M. de Oliveira and I. Gordo (2008) Environmental heterogeneity enhances clonal interference. Evolution 62(6):1390.

21. Perfeito L., Pereira MI, PRA Campos and I. Gordo (2008) The effect of spatial structure on adaptation in Escherichia coli. Biology Letters 4:57-9.

20. Perfeito L, L. Fernandes, C. Mota and I. Gordo (2007) Adaptive mutations in bacteria: high rate and small effects. Science 317:813-15. DOI: 10.1126/science.1142284 (Highlighted in Nature)

19. Gordo, I and PRA Campos (2007) Patterns of genetic variation in populations of infectious agents. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7:116.

18. Combadão J., P.R.A Campos, F. Dionisio and I. Gordo (2007) Small-world networks decrease the speed of Muller’s ratchet. Genetics Research 89(1):7-18.

17. Dionisio F. and I. Gordo (2007) Controlling excludability in the evolution of cooperation.  Evolution Ecology Research 9 (2): 365-373.

16. Gökaydin D., J.B. Oliveira-Martins, I. Gordo, and M.G.M Gomes (2007) The reinfection threshold regulates pathogen diversity: the case of influenza. Journal of Royal Society Interface 4(12):137-42.

15. Campos, PRA and I. Gordo. (2006) Pathogen genetic variation in small-world host contact structures. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Issue 12, pp. L12003.

14. Campos P.R.A., Combadão J., F. Dionisio and I. Gordo (2006) Muller's ratchet in random graphs and scale free networks. Physical Review E 74 (4): 042901

13. Faro J, Combadão J and I. Gordo (2006) Did Germinal Centers evolve under differential effects of diversity vs affinity? Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4163: 1-8.

12. Perfeito L, I. Gordo and PRA Campos (2006) The effect of spatial structure in adaptive evolution. European Physical Journal B, 51, 301-306.

11. Gordo, I. and P.R.A. Campos (2006). Adaptive evolution in a spatially structured asexual population. Genetica, 127: 217 – 229.

10. Dionisio, F. and I. Gordo (2006) The tragedy of the commons, the public goods dilemma and the significance of rivalry and excludability in Evolutionary Biology. Evolution and Ecology Research 8: 321-332.

9. Rosas, A., I. Gordo and P.R.A. Campos (2005) Scaling, genetic drift and clonal interference in the extinction pattern of asexual populations. Physical Review E 72, 012901.

8. Gordo, I. and F. Dionisio (2005) A non-equilibrium model for estimating the parameters of deleterious mutations. Physical Review E 71: 031907.

7. Dionisio, F., I. C. Conceição, A. C. R. Marques, L. Fernandes and I. Gordo (2005) The evolution of a conjugative plasmid and its ability to increase bacterial fitness. Proc Roy. Soc London- Biology Letters 1, 250–252.

6. Bachtrog, D. and I. Gordo (2004) Adaptive evolution of asexual populations under Muller’s ratchet. Evolution 58(7):1403-13.

5. Gordo, I., A. Navarro and B. Charlesworth (2002) Muller’s ratchet and the pattern of variation at a neutral locus. Genetics 161:835-48. IF: 4.389 Cit: 74 Q: 1.

4. Gordo, I. and B. Charlesworth. (2001) The speed of Muller’s ratchet with background selection, and the degeneration of Y chromosomes. Genetics Research 78:149-61.

3. Gordo, I. and B. Charlesworth. (2001) Genetic linkage and molecular evolution. Current Biology 11:R684-6.

2. Gordo, I. and B. Charlesworth (2000) On the speed of Muller’s ratchet. Genetics 156: 2137-40.

1. Gordo, I. and B. Charlesworth (2000) The degeneration of asexual haploid populations and the speed of Muller’s ratchet. Genetics 154: 1379-87.

evo·​lu·​tion | \ ˌe-və-ˈlü-shən  , ˌē-və- \

Definition of evolution

1a: identity by descent with modification


Evolutionary Biology Lab 2022

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